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13 gennaio 2020. “Agricoltura? Parliamone”. OGM che non sfamano il mondo


L’audio della trasmissione:



I dati di MASIPAG sul Golden Rice GM, 1:

I dati di MASIPAG sul Golden Rice GM, 2:

Il Sole24ore sulla speculazione alimentare:

Bibliogrfia e articoli scientifici:


  • Beta-carotene degradation products – formation, toxicity and prevention of toxicity. Siems W, Salerno C, Crifò C, Sommerburg O, Wiswedel I. (2009) Forum Nutr. 61: 75-86.
  • GRAIN, “Biofortified crops or biodiversity? The fight for genuine solutions to malnutrition is on” 2019.
  • Kinetics of β-carotene degradation under different storage conditions in transgenic Golden Rice® lines. Bollinedi, H., Dhakane-Lad, J., Krishnan, S.G., Bhowmick, P.K., Prabhu, K.V., Singh, N.K., and Singh, A.K. (2019). Food Chemistry 278, 773-779.
  • The Global Pipeline of GM crops: an outlook for 2020. Claudia Parisi, Pascal Tillie, Emilio Rodriguez-Cerezo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Edificio Expo, C/Inca Garcilaso 3. 41092, Seville, Spain
  • Philippines beats China as world’s biggest rice importer. Louise Maureen Simeon, The Philippine Star, November 11, 2019
  • Average farm-gate price of rice falls to 8-year low – PSA. Jasper Arcalas, Business Mirror, October 11, 2019

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